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C++ accessing global variables/objects in a namespace with a variable/object with the same name

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string a;

namespace myNamespace
    string a;
    void output()
        cout << a << endl;

int main()
    a = "Namespaces, meh.";
    myNamespace::a = "Namespaces are great!";

The result is "Namespaces are great!". So is there any way to access the global string a inside of the namespace myNamespace instead of just the local one?

like image 691
Whovian Avatar asked May 06 '12 23:05


People also ask

Can we access a global variable if there is a local variable with the same name in C?

Global Variable: The variable that exists outside of all functions. It is the variable that is visible from all other scopes. We can access global variable if there is a local variable with same name in C and C++ through Extern and Scope resolution operator respectively.

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It is also possible to use a global and local variable with the same name simultaneously. Built-in function globals() returns a dictionary object of all global variables and their respective values. Using the name of the variable as a key, its value can be accessed and modified.

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Using Scope resolution operator (::): In C++, we can use the scope resolution operator (::) to access a global variable if we have a local variable with the same name.

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It is usually not a good programming practice to give different variables the same names. If a global and a local variable with the same name are in scope, which means accessible, at the same time, your code can access only the local variable.

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In other words, all global variables with the same name will be converted to be one variable - so your int a; and int a = 25; will be referring to the same int -sized piece of memory. Formally called tentative definition in C.

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The namespaces in some namespaces may also be nested. To access them we are required to use the scope resolution operator :: operator the number of times that are there to access them. When we want to access the variable sample , we need to use example1::example2::example3::sample .

1 Answers

Like this:

void output()
    cout << ::a << endl;  //using :: = the global namespace 
like image 64
Tony The Lion Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Tony The Lion