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C++: Access embedded resource from dll

I have a c++ dll project, in which, I have embedded some raw data through "resource.rc" file.

IDR_TEMPLATE1           RCDATA                "areaTemplate.bin"

Now I want to access the data of "areaTemplate.bin" file from the dll. How can I read the contents of "areaTemplate.bin" in a byte array?

like image 376
asif Avatar asked Nov 13 '13 11:11


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Add DLL As Embedded Resource First, add the DLL as Reference. Then, add the same DLL as file into the project. Right click the project's name > Add > Existing Item... The same DLL will exist twice in different folder in the project.

How do you read embedded files?

Method 1: Add existing file, set property to Embedded Resource. Add the file to your project, then set the type to Embedded Resource . NOTE: If you add the file using this method, you can use GetManifestResourceStream to access it (see answer from @dtb).

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A dynamic link library (DLL) is a collection of small programs that larger programs can load when needed to complete specific tasks. The small program, called a DLL file, contains instructions that help the larger program handle what may not be a core function of the original program.

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Double click your Properties -> Resources. resx file to open the resource designer. From the first small drop down on the top, select "Files" as resource type. Click on Add Resource -> Add Existing File... and select your text files.

1 Answers

As Manuell says, you use FindResource(), LoadResource() and probably LockResource() and SizeofResource()

I happen to have some code which does pulls out a resource and writes it to a file, and may help with your understanding of the API in question.

void WriteResourceToFile(
   HANDLE hFile,
   const _tstring &resourceName,
   const _tstring &resourceType,
   HMODULE hModule)
   HRSRC hResource = ::FindResource(

   if (!hResource)
      const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();

      throw CWin32Exception(
         _T("WriteResourceToFile() - FindResource"),

   HGLOBAL hGlobal = ::LoadResource(hModule, hResource);

   if (!hGlobal)
      const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();

      throw CWin32Exception(
         _T("WriteResourceToFile() - LoadResource"),

   void *pData = ::LockResource(hGlobal);

   if (!pData)
      const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();

      throw CWin32Exception(
         _T("WriteResourceToFile() - LockResource"),

   const DWORD bytes = ::SizeofResource(hModule, hResource);

   DWORD bytesWritten = 0;

   if (!::WriteFile(hFile, pData, bytes, &bytesWritten, 0))
      const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();

      throw CWin32Exception(
         _T("WriteResourceToFile() - WriteFile"),

   if (bytesWritten != bytes)
      throw CWin32Exception(
         _T("WriteResourceToFile() - WriteFile"),
         _T("Wrote less bytes (") + ToString(bytesWritten) +
         _T("( than expected: ") + ToString(bytes));
like image 155
Len Holgate Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09

Len Holgate