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c++ abstract class with nested class. derived class and nested class

I have the task to write own containers Linked_list and Array_list. I have one interface for them:

typedef int value_type;
class Container 
        class Iterator 
            Iterator(value_type* other);
            Iterator(const Iterator& other);
            Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& other);

    Container(const Container& other);

    virtual value_type& front() const=0;
    virtual value_type& back() const=0;
    virtual Iterator begin() const=0; // 

I did derived classes Linked_list and Array_list:

class Linked_list:public Container 
    long int cur_size;
    List elem;
    static Link end_;
    class Iterator: public Container::Iterator
        friend Linked_list;
        Link *p;    

    Iterator begin() const; //overriding virtual function return type differs ...


I thinks it's all wrong. should nested class Linked_list::Iterator be a derived class? Is it possible to do this, if I can't change the interface?

like image 924
greensher Avatar asked Nov 09 '12 08:11


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1 Answers

Taking into account your design constraints that you cannot use templates, than one thing should change: add interface IteratorImpl. Thus you can make class Iterator from base class Container non virtual. It needs to be non-virtual since STL-alike iterators should have value semantics. See pimpl idiom for more details how it works!

Like this:

typedef int value_type;
class Container 
        class IteratorImpl
            virtual void next() = 0;
            virtual IteratorImpl* clone() const = 0;
            virtual value_type get() const = 0;
            virtual bool isEqual(const IteratorImpl& other) const = 0;

        class Iterator 
            Iterator(IteratorImpl* impl) : impl(impl) {}
            ~Iterator() { delete impl; }
            Iterator(const Iterator& other) : impl(other.impl->clone()) {}
            Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& other) {
              IteratorImpl* oldImpl = impl;
              impl = other.impl->clone();
              delete oldImpl;
            bool operator == (const Iterator& other) const 
               return impl->isEqual(*other->impl);
            Iterator& operator ++ ()
                return *this;
            value_type& operator*() const 
               return impl->get();
            value_type* operator->() const
               return &impl->get();
        Container(const Container& other);

    virtual value_type& front() const=0;
    virtual value_type& back() const=0;
    virtual Iterator begin() const=0; // 

Then in your derived just implement IteratorImpl:

class Linked_list:public Container 
    class IteratorImpl: public Container::IteratorImpl

    Iterator begin() const { return new IteratorImpl(firstNode); }
    Iterator end() const { return new IteratorImpl(nodeAfterLastNode); }


These firstNode and nodeAfterLastNode are just my guess - use whatever you need to implement the IteratorImpl interface...

like image 116
PiotrNycz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
