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bundler: not executable: script/delayed_job

I'm trying to run the following command on my remote server (either via capistrano or ssh):

bundle exec RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job start

But I'm getting this error message: bundler: not executable: script/delayed_job

Never saw this before, and google had nothing for me. Any idea what might be the problem?

like image 266
hananamar Avatar asked Nov 16 '14 15:11


2 Answers

Maybe it does not have permissions to run? Try running this command

chmod +x script/delayed_job

and then executing the file again.

like image 113
Stanislav Mekhonoshin Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 22:11

Stanislav Mekhonoshin

I am not sure if if it is a fundamental misunderstanding of the capistrano rbenv gem or some issue with the gem itself, but I had similar issue with delayed_job, where the bin/delayed_job file just would not get the executable permission when copied to the server by capistrano. So I wrote a task which I had run before invoking the delayed_job:restart task.

Note - Adding this answer because earlier one is from 2014, and also I wanted to show how to add the task, so the permission change can happen during deployment itself.

Created a task in lib/capistrano/tasks folder (in namespace delayed_job):

namespace :delayed_job do
  desc 'Ensure that bin/delayed_job has the permission to be executable. Ideally, this should not have been needed.'
    task :ensure_delayed_job_executable do
      on roles(delayed_job_roles) do
        within release_path do
          execute :chmod, :'u+x', :'bin/delayed_job'

after 'deploy:publishing', 'deploy:restart'
namespace :deploy do
  task :restart do
    invoke 'delayed_job:ensure_delayed_job_executable'
    invoke 'delayed_job:restart'
like image 22
arunt Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 22:11
