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Built in function in java




What is built in function in java? I found some question and it was like "... solve this without using built in function". So, what is it? I know java support methods,what's different between both of them?

like image 988
user2903144 Avatar asked Oct 21 '13 19:10


2 Answers

Built in functions in java are methods that are present in different API of JDK. For example cos(double a), exp(double a) etc are built in function of java present in java.lang.Math class.

Solve without using built in functions means if you have to calculate X raised to the power of Y, you define your own logic to calculate the result. You don't use built in function Math.pow(X, Y), that returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.

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Shamse Alam Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Shamse Alam

It means solve it using only methods that YOU have implemented. Do not use anything that came as a part of the JDK you installed.

JDK = Java Development Kit

It includes a rich library to assist with some of the more common tasks in java coding. It sounds like you are supposed to avoid using this library.

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75inchpianist Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
