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\build\intermediates\res\resources-anzhi-debug-stripped.ap_' specified for property 'resourceFile' does not exist

I updated Android Studio to version 2.0. The build failed and also takes longer than Android Studio version 1.5 to build. Every time I run my application, I clean and reload the project, but it's no use. The error message is:

\build\intermediates\res\resources-anzhi-debug-stripped.ap_' specified for property 'resourceFile' does not exist.

like image 738
扈丽霞 Avatar asked Apr 11 '16 05:04


1 Answers

Having same issue ! So instant run is not compatible with shrinkResources

1) if use Android Studio 2.2

shrinkResources false

buildTypes {     release {         signingConfig signingConfigs.release         minifyEnabled false         shrinkResources false         zipAlignEnabled true         debuggable false         proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'     } } 

2) if use Android Studio 2.0

  • open setting

  • Follow this image

  • now run your project

like image 196
Parth Vora Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Parth Vora