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Building with ember CLI in production environment



Running ember server works fine locally on my dev machine but how do I do it on my host? All I can do is upload the dist folder which contains the output of the CLI build. But when I navigate to it there is a blank page.

like image 733
SuperUberDuper Avatar asked Sep 29 '22 11:09


1 Answers

Ember serve/server/s fires up a server for local development, you shouldn't use it's files to deploy on a live host.

Starts up the server. Default port is 4200. Use --proxy flag to proxy all ajax requests to the given address. For example ember server --proxy will proxy all your apps XHR to your server running at port 8080.

When you want to deploy you will need to build your files in order to concat/min/uglify for that you will need to run ember build --environment production change the env depending on your needs.

Builds the application depending on the environment.

To learn more about ember-cli commands refer to this section of the docs.

like image 112
Patsy Issa Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Patsy Issa