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Building GNATCOLL in an Alpine Linux Docker Container

I can't seem to get GNATCOLL to compile in an Alpine Linux based Docker Container.

My container so far is:

FROM alpine:edge

# Add extra repositories
RUN echo 'http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories; \
    echo 'http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community' >> /etc/apk/repositories; \
    echo 'http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main' >> /etc/apk/repositories;

RUN apk add --no-cache build-base coreutils curl-dev gcc-gnat git gmp-dev openssl

# Bootstrap GPRBuild
RUN git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/xmlada.git; \
    git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/gprbuild.git; \
    cd gprbuild; ./bootstrap.sh --with-xmlada=../xmlada; \
    cd ..; \
    rm -rf xmlada gprbuild

This works fine and gets me a container with a working GNAT GPR based Ada development environment. The issue comes when I try to install GNATCOLL in this container.

Running docker run -i -t <built_image> the following occurs:

/ # git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatcoll-core.git
<Typical git clone output>
/ # cd gnatcoll-core/
/gnatcoll-core # make setup
/gnatcoll-core # make
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux  -j0 -XGNATCOLL_MMAP=yes -XGNATCOLL_MADVISE=yes -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XGNATCOLL_OS=unix -XBUILD=PROD  -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
   [mkdir]        object directory for project GnatColl
   [mkdir]        library directory for project GnatColl
gnatcoll.gpr:24:06: unknown project file: "gpr"
make: *** [Makefile:128: build-static] Error 4

Based on the discussion in https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatcoll-core/issues/30 I checked my gprbuild version:

/gnatcoll-core # gprbuild --version
GPRBUILD Pro 18.0w (19940713) (x86_64-alpine-linux-musl)
Copyright (C) 2004-2016, AdaCore
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
See your AdaCore support agreement for details of warranty and support.
If you do not have a current support agreement, then there is absolutely

So it would seem that gprbuild for musl is woefully out of date, leading to an inability to build GNATCOLL. Is there any way to get a more up-to-date version of gprbuild for musl-c? If not is there any other way to get GNATCOLL installed?

like image 333
LambdaBeta Avatar asked Apr 09 '19 15:04


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Is Alpine Linux good for Docker?

Alpine Linux is a super lightweight Linux distribution that's useful for Docker containers.

Why is Alpine Linux used for Docker?

Alpine Linux is a Linux distribution built around musl libc and BusyBox. The image is only 5 MB in size and has access to a package repository that is much more complete than other BusyBox based images. This makes Alpine Linux a great image base for utilities and even production applications.

How do I find the alpine version in a container?

You should be able to run the command alpine -v or alpine -version ... you can also start Alpine and press ? on the main menu to open the main Help page, which will also tell you the version.

1 Answers

The issue is that ./bootstrap.sh in gprbuild doesn't install everything, it just creates a bare minimum gprbuild installation. Additionally it does not build gprlib, which is necessary for gnatcoll and also has to be installed.

The required steps are:

# As before...
git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/xmlada.git
git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/gprbuild.git
cd gprbuild; ./bootstrap.sh --with-xmlada=../xmlada

# New: build and install xmlada
cd ../xmlada; ./configure && make && make install

# New: build and install gprbuild fully
cd ../gprbuild
export GPR_PROJECT_PATH=/usr/local/share/gpr
make prefix=/usr/local setup && make all && make install

# New: build and install gprlib
make libgpr.build && make libgpr.install

With these additions I was able to build gnatcoll as specified in its project.

like image 130
LambdaBeta Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
