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Build nested folder structure from path strings



How can I build a nested UL structure from an object of paths using JavaScript?

For example given the following array of paths:

var paths = [

I would like to build the following UL

<ul class="base-UL">
  <li class="folder">d1
      <li class="folder">d2
          <li class="folder">d3
              <li class="file" data-url="d1/d2/d3/file1.text">file1.text</li>
              <li class="file" data-url="d1/d2/d3/file2.text">file2.text</li>

How should I build a recursive function that does this?

Edit I was able to succefully write a function which does this however, I can't figure out how to get the full path as the data attribute in the file elements: See below:

function buildFromPathList(paths) {
  for (var i = 0, path; path = paths[i]; ++i) {
    var pathParts = path.split("/");
    var subObj = tree_;

    for (var j = 0, folderName; folderName = pathParts[j]; ++j) {
      if (!subObj[folderName]) {
        subObj[folderName] = j < pathParts.length - 1 ? {} : null;

      subObj = subObj[folderName];

  return tree_;

function render(object) {
  for (var folder in object) {
    if (!object[folder]) {
      var name = folder.trim();
      html_ += '<li class="file>' + folder + '</li>';
    } else {
      html_ += '<li class="folder">' + folder + '<ul>';
      html_ += "</ul>";

var html_ = [];
like image 411
user3143218 Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 04:10


2 Answers

var paths = [

I'd build a better data structure first:

var hierarchy = paths.reduce(function(hier,path){
    var x = hier;
            x[item] = {};
        x = x[item];
    x.path = path;
    return hier;
}, {});

And then use that to build the HTML (without indentation):

var makeul = function(hierarchy, classname){
    var dirs = Object.keys(hierarchy);
    var ul = '<ul';
        ul += ' class="' + classname + '"';
    ul += '>\n';
        var path = hierarchy[dir].path;
        if(path){ // file
            ul += '<li class="file" data-url="' + path + '">' + dir + '</li>\n';
            ul += '<li class="folder">' + dir + '\n';
            ul += makeul(hierarchy[dir]);
            ul += '</li>\n';
    ul += '</ul>\n';
    return ul;

makeul(hierarchy, 'base-UL');
like image 113
1983 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 08:11


I will start you with an example and see if you can figure out the HTML generation yourself.

You can also find this on Github: https://github.com/vasilionjea/treepath

The paths:

var paths = [




Code to build a tree:

var tree = {
  // Represents the "root" directory, like in a filesystem.
  root: {
    absolute_path: '',
    files: []

function buildTree(parts) {
  var lastDir = 'root';
  var abs_path = '';

  parts.forEach(function(name) {
    // It's a directory
    if (name.indexOf('.') === -1) {
      lastDir = name;
      abs_path += lastDir + '/';

      if (!tree[name]) {
        tree[name] = {
          absolute_path: abs_path,
          files: []
    } else {

paths.forEach(function(path, index, array) {

Now log the constructed tree:


// Output:
  "root": {
    "absolute_path": "",
    "files": [

  "d1": {
    "absolute_path": "d1/",
    "files": [

  "d2": {
    "absolute_path": "d1/d2/",
    "files": [

  "d3": {
    "absolute_path": "d1/d2/d3/",
    "files": [
like image 5
istos Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11
