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Build MSI in Wine


Hoping this is still on-topic for StackOverflow.

I'm doing all my development on a Linux machine, but the code will be run by both Linux and Windows machines.

I'd like to use Linux to compile the code, and I have mingw-32 and mingw-w64 for that.

But I'd like to package the resulting executables into a nice MSI installation file. Is it possible to do this using utilities in Linux or running under Wine?


like image 687
Richard Avatar asked Apr 20 '12 04:04


People also ask

Can Wine run MSI files?

msi . That will then run the MSI program the same as if you had double-clicked it in Windows. A WINE prefix is a folder that contains all of the WINE configurations as well as all of the Windows pieces that WINE uses for compatibility, including libraries and a registry.

How do I run a .exe file in wine?

Most binary Wine packages will associate Wine with .exe files for you. If that is the case, you should be able to simply double-click on the .exe file in your file manager, just like in Windows. You can also right-click on the file, choose "Run with", and choose "Wine".

What is MSI file format?

MSI is a file extension that applies to database files used by the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI). They contain information about an application divided into features and components, and every component may contain files, registry data, shortcuts, and so on.

What is the purpose of MSI?

MSI is dedicated to empowering global gamers, creators and business elites with best-in-class solutions engineered to satisfy their every need.

1 Answers

You can use a combination of Wine, Mono and WiX to create .msi packages on Linux.

For openSUSE, I have created a wrapper package called wixwine which gives you the 'candle' and 'light' commands from the Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset ready to use on Linux.

You can find my wixwine package here

like image 191
Hib Eris Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Hib Eris