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Build historical tracking of changes to a row base on information in another table

I have an table consisting of all items within our company - the Item table. Each row represents one item with the newest values for each attribute (e.g. unit price, profit for this item, vendor, description and so forth. ) Ex.:

ItemNo | Description | Unit Price | Profit % |
1      |  MyItem     |   200      |   47     |
2      | MyOtherItem |   300      |   25     |

In another table I have historical changes for the Item-table - the ChangeLog History Table It shows the ItemNo, The column the has been changed, the old and the new value and a DateCreated-column showing when the change happened. Like this:

ItemNo | ColumnName  | OldValue | New Value | DateCreated |
1      |  Unit Price |    50    |   100     | 20170401    |
1      |  Unit Price |    100   |   200     | 20170501    |
2      |  Profit %   |     2    |    25     | 20170603    |
1      |  Profit %   |     99   |    47     | 20170604    |

I want to create a table that looks like the Item table, but where all changes are tracked chronologically based on the Changelog Hisotry Table, with a ValidFrom and ValidTo Date. So the Item-table in the beginning should look like this:

ItemNo | Description | Unit Price | Profit % | ValidFrom  | ValidTo
1      |  MyItem     |   200      |   47     | 2017-06-04 | 9999-12-31
1      |  MyItem     |   200      |   99     | 2017-05-01 | 2017-06-04
1      |  MyItem     |   100      |   99     | 2017-04-01 | 2017-05-01
1      |  MyItem     |   50       |   99     | 1900-01-01 | 2017-04-01
2      | MyOtherItem |   300      |   25     | 2017-06-03 | 9999-12-31
2      | MyOtherItem |   300      |   2      | 1900-01-01 | 2017-06-03

So the question is how do I create that with T-SQL? I alsp have SSIS at my disposal but I have no idea how to fix this, Been trying to get my head around it for hours now.

Thanks in advance!

like image 882
Benny Christiansen Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 20:11

Benny Christiansen

1 Answers

Try this, for 2 columns:

WITH hist AS (
  -- sample change log data
  select * 
  from (
         (1,'Unit Price',50 ,100, cast('20170401' as date))
        ,(1,'Unit Price',100,200,'20170501')
        ,(2,'Profit %', 2 , 25,'20170603')
        ,(1,'Profit %', 99, 47,'20170604') 
    ) t(ItemNo,ColumnName,OldValue,NewValue,DateCreated )
items AS(
  -- sample items data
  select * 
  from (
         (1, 'MyItem',211,4)
     ) t(ItemNo,Description,UnitPrice,[Profit %])
-- Solution
hist2 AS (
    -- Add the very old values from change log as new starting at 1900-01-01
    SELECT * 
    FROM hist
    SELECT TOP(1) WITH TIES ItemNo, ColumnName, null, OldValue, '19000101'
    FROM hist
    ORDER BY row_number() over (partition by ItemNo, ColumnName order by DateCreated)   
intv AS (
    -- Get itervals from augmented change log
    SELECT ItemNo
      , sD = DateCreated
      , eD = coalesce(dateadd(day, -1, lead(DateCreated) over (partition by ItemNo order by DateCreated)),'99991231')
    FROM (
        SELECT DISTINCT ItemNo, DateCreated 
        FROM hist2
    ) t
-- Fill intervals with values from augmented change log, using Items values as a last resort
SELECT items.ItemNo, items.Description, Sd, Ed
  , coalesce(p1.UnitPrice, items.UnitPrice)
  , coalesce(p2.[Profit %], items.[Profit %])
FROM intv
    select top(1) UnitPrice = NewValue
    from hist2 h
    where h.ItemNo = intv.ItemNo and h.ColumnName = 'Unit Price' and DateCreated <= Ed
    order by DateCreated desc
    ) p1
    select top(1) [Profit %] = NewValue
    from hist2  h
    where h.ItemNo = intv.ItemNo and h.ColumnName = 'Profit %' and DateCreated <= Ed
    order by DateCreated desc
    ) p2 
JOIN items ON items.ItemNo = intv.ItemNo

You may want to instantiate hist2 and add proper indices for better perfomance.

like image 144
Serg Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11
