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Build a list using specific keys in a dict (python)?

I'm implementing the Dijkstra search algorithm in Python. At the end of the search, I reconstruct the shortest path using a predecessor map, starting with the destination node's predecessor. For example:

path = []
previous = predecessor_map[destination]
while previous != origin:
    previous = predecessor_map[previous]

Is there any way to do this with less lines of code (e.g. list comprehension)?

like image 647
XåpplI'-I0llwlg'I - Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 19:12

XåpplI'-I0llwlg'I -

2 Answers

The only suggestion that I have is to get rid of the slight code duplication:

path = []
previous = destination
while previous != origin:
    previous = predecessor_map[previous]

Beyond that, I think your code is actually very clear and is unlikely to benefit from any attempts to shorten it.

Lastly, it is worth noting that the above also works when destination == origin, whereas your original version most probably doesn't (depends on how exactly predecessor_map is populated). Don't know if this is relevant to your use cases.

like image 109
NPE Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 08:12


This might work:

path = [destination]
path += iter(lambda: predecessor_map[path[-1]], origin)

It behaves the same as your original code. But what you've already written is fine as is.

If destination could be equal to origin:

path = []
path += iter(lambda: predecessor_map[path[-1]] if path else destination, origin)

It behaves the same as @aix's code.

like image 34
jfs Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 08:12
