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Browser support for specific jQuery version

jQuery states that supported browser are

Chrome: (Current - 1) and Current
Edge: (Current - 1) and Current
Firefox: (Current - 1) and Current
Internet Explorer: 9+

v2 dropped support for IE 6-8.

The problem: what exact Chrome versions are supported by ,say, jQuery 2.1 (and jQuery 1.11)?
They are released on the same day in Jan 2014 http://blog.jquery.com/2014/01/24/jquery-1-11-and-2-1-released/

like image 241
Paul Verest Avatar asked Jul 03 '17 09:07

Paul Verest

People also ask

Is jQuery supported by all browsers?

Cross-browser compatibility — jQuery supports older browsers which do not do well with modern tools, frameworks or libraries. jQuery-powered applications work well on all browsers.

Does jQuery 2.0 support IE?

Those improvements come at a price, though: jQuery 2.0 won't support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8.

What are the browser related issues for jQuery?

Javascript compatibility between Firefox, Internet Explorer and other browsers can make Ajax and Javascript effects a headache. Each browser does things just a bit differently, forcing Web developers to check which browser the user has and branch their code into if-else statements accordingly.

Does Google Chrome support jQuery?

What versions of jQuery are supported? jQuery version 3.0 and the latest is compatible with the current stable version of the browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, or Edge) and the one immediately before that. Regarding mobile platforms, it supports iOS 7 and latest, and Android 4.0 and newer.

1 Answers

the JQuery site does indicate the following

Chrome: (Current and Current - 1)
Edge: (Current and Current - 1)
Firefox: (Current and Current - 1)
Explorer: 9+

Which means that the official release of JQuery is supported by the current browser version + plus its predecessor.

What I have found is that Chrom(e|ium) version 45.0.2454.0 supports all the way up to JQuery 3.2.1

I've been trying to test various browser versions to see what version of JQuery is supported. I can only go back to 45.0.2454.0 as I cannot find installs for anything older.

For future reference I have found the following to be true:

FireFox version 6 and greater supports JQuery 3.2.1
FireFox >= to 3.5.1 and < 6 supports up to version 1.11.3
FireFox < 3.5.1 supports up to 1.6.4

Opera 12.02 and greater supports JQuery 3.2.1
Opera < 12.02 supports up to version 1.11.3

like image 147
Paul Stoner Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 15:01

Paul Stoner