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Broken references in a cloned git repo




Many times when I clone a git repo most or all of the references are broken. The dlls are not there. I searched and found nothing about the problem. I feel like it has something to do with nuget.

What's the problem?

like image 853
alin Avatar asked Dec 20 '14 06:12


2 Answers

There will be a .nuget folder in the repo and it will contain nuget.exe. Some repos include a script that will do the work of restoring the missing packages. But you can also do it manually by issuing the following command to nuget:

nuget restore "path\to\.sln"
like image 67
mrahhal Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10


The dll are not there most probably because they are ignored: you should have a .gitignpre with a *.dll in it.

That means you need to run nuget in order to download the right dependencies (dll): this is a declarative approach, which means you only version the nuget file (very small) instead of the dlls (much larger).

like image 38
VonC Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
