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Bringing a subview in a UITableViewCell to front



I added a bunch of UILabel views to a UITableViewCell's contentView, some of which may overlap. On tapping any of the labels, I want to trigger some actions. Also, I want to bring up the tapped label to the top.

Using a UITapGestureRecognizer on the labels, I can figure out which one is tapped and perform the actions. But bringing the tapped and overlapped label to the front does not work. This is what I am trying:

UILabel *foundLabel = ....; // find the label
for (UITableViewCell *acell in theTable.visibleCells) {
    UIView *cellContentView = acell.contentView;
    if ([cellContentView.subviews containsObject:foundLabel]) {
        [cellContentView bringSubviewToFront:foundLabel];
        NSLog(@"should bring to front...");

I do get the NSLog output above, so I know that the bringSubviewToFront is being called on the appropriate cell's contentView. But no change in the subview layout order.


like image 322
raheel Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 19:07


2 Answers

One thing to explore is zposition on the uitablviewcell's layer.

This successfully put on tableviewcell in front of another for me:

    cell1.layer.zPosition=3 ;//above

    cell2.layer.zPosition=2 ;//below 
like image 163
yeahdixon Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10


bringSubviewToFront: didn't work for me either

Try insertSubview:belowSubview: where the latter subview is a super view such as tab bar, nav bar, table view.

like image 32
defvol Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
