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Bring activity front if it is running or create new one with backpress

Let me explain detailed; I have notification and this notification opens B activity with two cases.

Cases :

  1. If app is closed. (not running on background)
  2. If app is opened. (on background or front)


I click to the notification and it opens the B activity with case-1. When i press back i want to go to the A activity and kill B activity. I dont need B activity anymore. Everything easy from here without using flags. When I'm on B activity and press back two times from here, it goes A activity and then closes the app. My trouble here is, if i open the app from navigation buttons of phone (can't remember the name of this button) app is opening from B activity. That's not what i expected. I want to open A activity. Don't want to see B activity anymore.


I click to the notification and it opens the B activity with case-2.When i press back i want to bring A activity to the front, without creating anything new. If i press back on B activity, two times and close the app and then again re-open app from navigation button of phone, want to open app from A activity.

So how can i make this correctly, i tried to use flags (i already read docs) but couldn't get work. What flags should i use when i open the B activity and onBackPress method of B activity to go A activity as i wanted

like image 338
Farukest Avatar asked Nov 09 '17 15:11


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2 Answers

This should be achievable by adding


to the A activity in the Manifest, then you can just open A activity from B activity onBackPressed and you will have A only once in the stack.

If it's not working the way you want, you can create an abstract class that extends Activity and handle the stack in a static object, then A & B must extend this new class

like image 172
Quentin Menini Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09

Quentin Menini

try this

 Intent intent = new Intent(context, YourActivity.class);
like image 40
Naimish Vinchhi Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09

Naimish Vinchhi