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Break when exception is thrown

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How do I stop exception breakpoint?

Remove breakpoints For non-exception breakpoints: click the breakpoint in the gutter. For all breakpoints: from the main menu, select Run | View Breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F8 , select the breakpoint, and click Remove Delete .

What happens when an exception is thrown C#?

The Anatomy of C# Exceptions catch – When an exception occurs, the Catch block of code is executed. This is where you are able to handle the exception, log it, or ignore it. finally – The finally block allows you to execute certain code if an exception is thrown or not.

You are able to define the precise list of Exception you want to have a breakpoint on, even if those exceptions are uncaught (which should be the equivalent of "unhandled")


Go to the breakpoints window, there's a button that looks like J!, there you can set breakpoints for Java exceptions, either caught or uncaught. You can reference classes or use pattern matchers for exception names.

Also, under Window -> Preferences, Select Java -> Debug and there's a checkbox to tell the debugger to break on uncaught exceptions