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Break table row after some value using Angular.js

I have one table and I need when serial number will above the 10 it will again shift to next column serial number will start from 11.

Here is my code:

 <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" id="dataTable" >
       <col class="col-md-1 col-sm-1">
       <col class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
          <th>Sl. No</th>
          <th>Generated Code</th>
    <tbody id="detailsstockid">
        <tr ng-repeat="c in listOfViewCode">

Actually I need the following format.

sl no  Generated Code  sl no  Generated Code

1          aaa          11        ssss

2          sss          12        gggg
3          eee
4          cccc
5          tttt
6          bbbb
7          nnnn
8          nnnn
9          bbbb
10         cccc


<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" id="dataTable" ng-repeat="group in groups" style="float:left" >
<col class="col-md-1 col-sm-1">
<col class="col-md-3 col-sm-3">
<th>Sl. No</th>
<th>Generated Code</th>
<tbody id="detailsstockid">
<tr ng-repeat="g in group.values">
<td>{{$parent.$index * 10 + $index +  1}}</td>


Suppose I have 100 no of data. When serial number will cross 10, it will shift to right side with same two column and so on. I am using Angular.js.

like image 513
satya Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 22:09


2 Answers

Another way of going about it, that would work for any number of columns from 1-10 would be to do something like:

var newList = [];
for(var i = 0; i<listOfViewCode.length; i++) {
    var index = i+1;
    var listIndex = (i%10);
    var row = newList[listIndex];
    if(row == null) {
        row = [];
    listOfViewCode[i].index = index;

    newList[listIndex] = row;

And then use ng-repeat-start to render.

<tr ng-repeat="c in newList">
    <td ng-repeat-start="p in c">{{p.index}}</td>
    <td ng-repeat-end>{{p.generated_code}}</td>     
like image 159
Christian Nielsen Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11

Christian Nielsen

Ok so the best I could come up with was creating multiple tables and using css to give them the appearance of one table...

Here is the plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/ZQ1NpOa96IpzSncbFSud?p=preview

In your template something like this:

<table ng-repeat="group in groups" style="float: left">
      <th><b>Sl. No</b></th>
      <th><b>Generated Code</b></th>
  <tr ng-repeat="g in group.values">
    <td>{{$parent.$index * 10 + $index +  1}}</td>

Then we need to break up your data into chunks and assign them to a "group"... so in the controller we do something like this:

var items = [{value: 'bbb'},{value: 'bbb'},{value: 'bbb'},{value: 'bbb'},{value: 'bbb'},{value: 'aaa'},{value: 'aaa'},{value: 'aaa'},{value: 'aaa'},{value: 'aaa'},{value: 'ccc'},{value: 'ccc'},{value: 'ccc'},{value: 'ccc'},{value: 'ccc'},{value: 'ddd'},{value: 'ddd'},{value: 'ddd'},{value: 'ddd'},{value: 'ddd'},{value: 'eee'},{value: 'eee'},{value: 'eee'},{value: 'eee'},{value: 'eee'},{value: 'fff'},{value: 'fff'},{value: 'fff'},{value: 'fff'},{value: 'fff'},{value: 'ggg'},{value: 'ggg'},{value: 'ggg'},{value: 'ggg'},{value: 'ggg'},{value: 'hhh'},{value: 'hhh'},{value: 'hhh'},{value: 'hhh'},{value: 'hhh'},{value: 'iii'},{value: 'iii'},{value: 'iii'},{value: 'iii'},{value: 'iii'}];

$scope.groups = [];

// break the data into chunks of 10
var i,j,temparray,chunk = 10;
for (i=0,j=items.length; i<j; i+=chunk) {
    temparray = items.slice(i,i+chunk);
    $scope.groups.push({values: temparray});

This will create tables with 10 rows each (with the last one having the remaining rows), side by side (using the style="float: left")... best I could come up with. Hope it helps!

like image 22
mkelley82 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11
