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Bought web design - table structure or CSS layout?





I tried a new web designer for one of my projects. After many tries he build a really nice design for my webpage and sent me the files. Now I wondered a much, because he only slice it in Photoshop - 20 images (very very bad sliced, e.g. borders with content in one image) and all complete 1 table structure HTML file.

When I asked him to do it in CSS, he said he can't, he doesn't know how, he is only a designer. His argument was: In his 4,5 year experience nobody asked for a sliced design, all customers would only have the PSD file and slice and create the HTML on their own. And - he added - table structures are completly normal in web design.

So, my question: Am I old or is he?

Until now, I have ever build a webpage with DIV and CSS, never used table until you really needed a table structured information to show. That's what I learn.

Please tell me your opinion and how to handle with the actual situation.

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PassionateDeveloper Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 02:11


1 Answers

His argument was: In his 4,5 year experience nobody asked for a sliced design, all customers would only have the PSD file and slice and create the HTML on their own.

This I find a valid argument. The creation of a design is one task; the creation a the HTML structure out of the design a entirely different one, and not being able to create the HTML does not make you any less of a designer.

And - he added - table structures are completly normal in web design.

This was a valid argument in 1999, but is not any more.

If the main job he gets paid for is to design, and he had to create the HTML because you pressured him or because of time constraints or whatever, I'd say cut your losses, pay him, forget about it and have a CSS layout done elsewhere.

If he actually offered to create HTML for you, for money, and delivered a sliced table layout, I'd say that is not good work by the standards of 2009. Personally, I would not accept that if I were the client, and force him to do it again or refund the money.

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Pekka Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 02:12
