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Boto3 updating multiple values

in the boto3 documentation updating an item is described by this example:

table.update_item(     Key={         'username': 'janedoe',         'last_name': 'Doe'     },     UpdateExpression='SET age = :val1',     ExpressionAttributeValues={         ':val1': 26     } ) 

But what am i supposed to do, if i want to update several values of the item. I couldn't find any information on this. Can anybody help? Thank you!


Ok, it seems to work like this, can anybody confirm wether this is the right way. Just to be sure i'm not doing anything totally wrong here.

table.update_item(                     Key={                         'id': item['id']                     },                     UpdateExpression='SET value1 = :val1, value2 = :val2',                     ExpressionAttributeValues={                         ':val1': someValue1,                         ':val2': someValue2                     }                 ) 


like image 468
weka1 Avatar asked Jun 09 '16 08:06


1 Answers

Yes, that's the way to do. Even many actions can be done in single expression as shown here. For ex: multiple 'PUT' and 'DELETE' in single expression.

Snapshot showing the example from document

like image 163
Venkatesh Wadawadagi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Venkatesh Wadawadagi