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Bot postMessage missing icon and name



Using a custom bot, I can postMessages (doc) into a channel (with the bot's auth-token). However, the messages don't show my bot's icon or name, just the default bot's one:


When I change topic, it works fine (i.e. the icon and name of my custom bot appear).

Is there some extra configuration needed?

like image 830
Rob Campion Avatar asked Dec 02 '15 14:12

Rob Campion

1 Answers

Seems the as_user=true param is needed. Doc is somewhat confusing in this regard:

as_user Optional
Pass true to post the message as the authed user, instead of as a bot

The authed user in this case, is the bot whose auth-token you've used.

like image 165
Rob Campion Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Rob Campion