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Border-top from tbody and border-bottom from thead don't work at the same time?

I have a very basic table:

<table id="ttable5" class="table-default">
                <th class="sort-date">Provincia</th>
            <th class="sort-digit">Municipio</th>

            <td class="tablaprim">1VESTIBULUM TORTOR NISL </td>
            <td>Castilleja de la Cuesta</td>

            <td class="tablaprim">4VESTIBULUM TORTOR NISL </td>
            <td>Castilleja de la Cuesta</td>

I need to have this:

------------1px border #fff
------------3px border #gray

I can only get to show one of the borders, never two at the same time. It's not really important but I'm curious about what is causing this issue.

My css:

thead{border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;}
tbody{border-top: 3px solid #4d4d4d;}


Since it seems like the border-collapse might be the issue but I can't make it work I've set up this sandbox:


There you can see there's only a grey border, there should be a 1px white border right on top of it

like image 217
Elaine Marley Avatar asked Jun 07 '11 12:06

Elaine Marley

People also ask

How do you put a border on top and bottom only in CSS?

You can use the following in your css or style tag .... Using the border-width selector you can define the various border thickness. The values are inserted in the order top, right, bottom, left and the shorthand version is top/bottom and right/left which is what I've used. Save this answer.

How do you put a border at the bottom of TR?

If you want to add a border only to the bottom of the table row, you can apply the CSS border-bottom property to <td> elements that are placed within a <tr> tag.

Does border-collapse only work on tables?

The border-collapse property is for use on <table> elements (or elements made to behave like a table through display: table or display: inline-table ).

Can you put a border on a tr?

How do you put a border on TR? To add a border to your table, you need to define the <style> of your table. Remember to add borders also for <th> and <td> tags to have a complete table. Set the border-collapse property as well (if you don't define the border-collapse, it will use border-collapse: separate by default).

2 Answers

In order for this to work, you need to

a) use both border-collapse and border-spacing

b) set the borders on the most interior elements of the table

c) you must set border-collapse and border-spacing on the table so it inherits


table {
  background: pink; 
  border: 0; 
  border-collapse: separate; 
  border-spacing: 0 5px;

thead tr th {
  border-bottom: 1px solid red; 
  border-collapse: separate; 
  border-spacing: 5px 5px;

tbody tr#first td {
  border-top: 3px solid #4d4d4d; 
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 5px 5px;

I changed some of the colors to make it easier to see.


like image 138
Jason Gennaro Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Jason Gennaro

Check the value of border-collapse. If it's collapse, then the browser will merge adjacent borders.

like image 39
Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Aaron Digulla