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Bootstrap-vue still recommended with Bootstrap 5?

Since Bootstrap 5 no longer using jQuery and is using vanilla JS I'm wondering if Bootstrap-Vue is still recommended being used or not, regardless of the fact that Bootstrap-Vue don't support Bootstrap 5 yet.

Just wanna get an idea if I should start learning Bootstrap-Vue or not.

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Lara Avatar asked Dec 06 '20 11:12


People also ask

Does Bootstrap-Vue work with Bootstrap 5?

😲 Now that Bootstrap 5 components are written as vanilla JS plugins, you get improved alignment with Vue's best patterns & practices. This also means it's possible to use Bootstrap 5 components without the need for a 3rd party library like bootstrap-vue.

Is Vue better than Bootstrap?

"Responsiveness", "UI components" and "Consistent" are the key factors why developers consider Bootstrap; whereas "Simple and easy to start with", "Good documentation" and "Components" are the primary reasons why Vue. js is favored.

Can I use regular Bootstrap with Vue?

Bootstrap-Vue not only supports the Bootstrap components and grid system, but also includes support for Vue. js Directives, which gives us the full feature set from the Vue. js ecosystem. One of the cool features of Bootstrap-Vue is that it has an online Playground.

1 Answers

BootstrapVue is currently an implementation of Bootstrap 4.5 on Vue 2.6.

It's not using Vue 3.

It's not using Bootstrap 5.

Discussion around a Vue 3 + Bootstrap 4 version here.
Authors also mention work on a Bootstrap 5 + Vue 3 has not started yet but it's planned, on a separate branch.

Should you learn this version of BootstrapVue? The concepts won't change much, but the implementation might, (not so much around template syntax, but more on controller syntax - around object vs composition API usage).

On the other hand, one could argue if you know Vue 2 object API syntax and have reasonable knowledge of Bootstrap 4, there's hardly anything to learn about BootstrapVue.

Currently, if a company wants to use BootstrapVue in production, they'll use Vue 2.6.12 and Bootstrap v4.5.3, even if they plan on refactoring for Vue 3 + Bootstrap 5 at some later point, when they become production ready.

The vast majority of companies using Vue right now are using Vue 2 and, because no major UI library (BootstrapVue, Vuetify) has released a Vue 3 version, the only option for using Vue 3 is writing your own CSS/theme, which most don't deem worth investing in.

Getting back to your question, it roughly translates into: should I learn Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4? My personal answer is: "Definitely." They will be in usage for many years to come, even after a BootstrapVue version for Vue 3 + Bootstrap 5 will be out.

Also, there's a high probability having knowledge about how current version works will give you a significant advantage in learning and understanding future versions.

Minor note: you start your question by saying

"Since Bootstrap 5 no longer using jQuery..."

BootstrapVue means Bootstrap powered by Vue instead of jQuery. BootstrapVue has always been jQuery-less. That's the main reason why people use it: to get Bootstrap in Vue projects without jQuery dependency.

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tao Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10
