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Bootstrap - could anyone give me any example, how to set up JS buttons?


I am playing with Bootstrap's stateful buttons - specifically with Loading state, but still can't find the right set up to get it working. I have a simple form based on AJAX, something like that:

<%=form_tag '/comments', :remote => true do %>
  <div><%=text_area_tag 'comment[text_comment]'%></div>
  <div><button class="btn btn-primary" data-loading-text="loading stuff..." >Post</button></div>

But still when I click on the POST button, so the form is sending, but the button effect (loading stuff...) is not displayed, like the example on Bootstrap's page.

Could anyone gives me a tip on how to fix it?

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user984621 Avatar asked Feb 28 '12 16:02


People also ask

Can I use Bootstrap with JavaScript?

All Bootstrap's JavaScript files depend on util. js and it has to be included alongside the other JavaScript files. If you're using the compiled (or minified) bootstrap. js , there is no need to include this—it's already there.

How do I make two buttons side by side in Bootstrap?

Answer: Use the text-right Class You can simply use the class . text-right on the containing element to right align your Bootstrap buttons within a block box or grid column. It will work in both Bootstrap 3 and 4 versions.

2 Answers

You need to explicitly set that the button is in the loading state. Something like this:

// Set up the buttons
$(button).click(function() {
    // Then whatever you actually want to do i.e. submit form
    // After that has finished, reset the button state using
    // $(this).button('reset');

I've created a working JSFiddle example.

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mmcnickle Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09


In the Bootstrap documentation, the first mention of stateful buttons gave me the impression that all I need to enable the stateful button is to provide the data-loading-text attribute:

Add data-loading-text="Loading..." to use a loading state on a button.

If you are looking for this behaviour (and also expect it to work on submit, input type="submit", etc), this jQuery selector should do the trick for you:


But you'll still need to attach your desired behaviour through an event handler, like .click(). This is the jQuery for the stateful button in the documentation (look for "fat-btn" in that javascript file):

.click(function () {
    var btn = $(this)
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 3000)

So, putting that all together, we can do this:

$(':input[data-loading-text]').click(function () {
    var btn = $(this)
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 3000)

I have a working jsfiddle at http://jsfiddle.net/jhfrench/n7n4w/.

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Jeromy French Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Jeromy French