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boost ASIO and message passing between thread

I am working on designing a websocket server which receives a message and saves it to an embedded database. For reading the messages I am using boost asio. To save the messages to the embedded database I see a few options in front of me:

  1. Save the messages synchronously as soon as I receive them over the same thread.
  2. Save the messages asynchronously on a separate thread.

I am pretty sure the second answer is what I want. However, I am not sure how to pass messages from the socket thread to the IO thread. I see the following options:

  1. Use one io service per thread and use the post function to communicate between threads. Here I have to worry about lock contention. Should I?
  2. Use Linux domain sockets to pass messages between threads. No lock contention as far as I understand. Here I can probably use BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_THREADS macro to get some performance boost.

Also, I believe it would help to have multiple IO threads which would receive messages in a round robin fashion to save to the embedded database.

Which architecture would be the most performant? Are there any other alternatives from the ones I mentioned?

A few things to note:

  • The messages are exactly 8 bytes in length.
  • Cannot use an external database. The database must be embedded in the running process.
  • I am thinking about using RocksDB as the embedded database.
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rahul Avatar asked May 24 '16 16:05


Video Answer

2 Answers

I don't think you want to use a unix socket, which is always going to require a system call and pass data through the kernel. That is generally more suitable as an inter-process mechanism than an inter-thread mechanism.

Unless your database API requires that all calls be made from the same thread (which I doubt) you don't have to use a separate boost::asio::io_service for it. I would instead create an io_service::strand on your existing io_service instance and use the strand::dispatch() member function (instead of io_service::post()) for any blocking database tasks. Using a strand in this manner guarantees that at most one thread may be blocked accessing the database, leaving all the other threads in your io_service instance available to service non-database tasks.

Why might this be better than using a separate io_service instance? One advantage is that having a single instance with one set of threads is slightly simpler to code and maintain. Another minor advantage is that using strand::dispatch() will execute in the current thread if it can (i.e. if no task is already running in the strand), which may avoid a context switch.

For the ultimate optimization I would agree that using a specialized queue whose enqueue operation cannot make a system call could be fastest. But given that you have network i/o by producers and disk i/o by consumers, I don't see how the implementation of the queue is going to be your bottleneck.

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rhashimoto Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 05:10


After benchmarking/profiling I found the facebook folly implementation of MPMC Queue to be the fastest by at least a 50% margin. If I use the non-blocking write method, then the socket thread has almost no overhead and the IO threads remain busy. The number of system calls are also much less than other queue implementations.

The SPSC queue with cond variable in boost is slower. I am not sure why that is. It might have something to do with the adaptive spin that folly queue uses.

Also, message passing (UDP domain sockets in this case) turned out to be orders of magnitude slower especially for larger messages. This might have something to do with copying of data twice.

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rahul Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10
