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Boolean literals in PowerShell



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How do you write a boolean in PowerShell?

PowerShell Boolean operators are $true and $false which mentions if any condition, action or expression output is true or false and that time $true and $false output returns as respectively, and sometimes Boolean operators are also treated as the 1 means True and 0 means false.

Does PowerShell have boolean?

PowerShell can implicitly treat any type as a Boolean. It is important to understand the rules that PowerShell uses to convert other types to Boolean values.

How do you pass a boolean value in PowerShell?

Use Boolean Parameter to Pass Boolean Values to a PowerShell Script From a Command Prompt. You can set the data type of your parameter to [bool] to pass Boolean values to a PowerShell script from a command prompt. Copy param([int]$a, [bool]$b) switch($b){ $true {"It is true."} $false {"It is false."} }

$true and $false.

Those are constants, though. There are no language-level literals for Booleans.

Depending on where you need them, you can also use anything that coerces to a Boolean value, if the type has to be Boolean, e.g., in method calls that require Boolean (and have no conflicting overload), or conditional statements. Most non-null objects are true, for example. null, empty strings, empty arrays and the number 0 are false.

[bool]1 and [bool]0 also works.

To add more information to already existing answers: The Boolean literals $true and $false also work as is when used as command line parameters for PowerShell scripts. For the below PowerShell script which is stored in a file named installmyapp.ps1:

param (

echo "Batch file starting execution."

Now if I've to invoke this PowerShell file from a PowerShell command line, this is how I can do it:

installmyapp.ps1 -cleanuprequired $true


installmyapp.ps1 -cleanuprequired 1

Here 1 and $true are equivalent. Also, 0 and $false are equivalent.

Note: Never expect that string literal true can get automatically converted to boolean. For example, if I run the below command:

installmyapp.ps1 -cleanuprequired true

it fails to execute the script with the below error:

Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'cleanuprequired'. Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Boolean". Boolean parameters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0.