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Bookshelf.js set attribute not in database

I have a Bookshelf.js model. I want to be able to set and get attributes for this model that are not persistent in the database.

For instance lets say I have a model that looks like this:

var Domain = bookshelf.Model.extend({
      tableName: 'domains',
      initialize: function() {
        this.on('creating', this.setDomainName);
      setDomainName: function() {
        this.set('name', getDomainFromUrl(this.url));

With a schema that looks like this:

knex.schema.createTable('domains', function (table) {

I want to be able to save an attribute called url, then later parse the url into a domain before it saves.

When I try something like this:

new Domain({url: 'http://someurl.com/foo/bar'}).save()

I get the error message:

"column \"url\" of relation \"domains\" does not exist"

I've looked and looked. I cant find any way to add non-persistent attributes to a bookshelf.js model. I also couldn't find anything about adding custom getter and setter methods to a bookshelf.js model.

Any help or insight is appreciated!

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nmajor Avatar asked Apr 03 '15 03:04


1 Answers

On my phone, so forgive the short reply, but what you want is called 'virtual' or 'composite' fields.


Every database mapper has them, but when you don't know what they're called it's understandably difficult to google a solution.

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coolaj86 Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10
