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Bookmarking PDF in Google Chrome

Lately I've been reading a lot of PDF books using Google Chrome. To go to a particular page, you can simply append #page=23 to the url (as in file:///C:/my_book.pdf#page=23). This is a nice and easy way to bookmark your current page number to continue reading the book later.

My question:

What's a way to find out what page you're currently in within the book?


What's a Chrome plugin that bookmarks PDF files within your file system?

I've tried a few extensions, but they don't work unless the book is in a server (as in http:// localhost/my_book.pdf), which is not desired in my case.


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rodrigo-silveira Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 02:07


People also ask

How do I bookmark a page in Google Chrome PDF viewer?

In top menu bar select View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Bookmarks. The way to display bookmarks depends on your browser and version. Here are some ways. Click on the Bookmark icon in the vertical icon list on the left side of the window.

How do I bookmark a PDF in my browser?

Choose Tools > Edit PDF > More > Add Bookmark. In the Bookmarks panel, type or edit the name of the new bookmark.

Can you bookmark a PDF file?

The easiest way to add a bookmark to a PDF is to use the Bookmarks panel in a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat. To find the bookmark panel, follow these steps: Click the Bookmarks button on the left of the screen. Scroll to the page you want to bookmark and use the Select tool to choose the area where you want it placed.

Can you bookmark a page in a PDF in Google Drive?

Once installed, open a PDF file in Google Docs and hover the mouse over the preview panel on the page you want to bookmark. A small green Bookmark option will appear, clicking it will bookmark the page. You can bookmark several pages at once.

2 Answers

As of Chrome version 31+ the page number is displayed by the scroll bar if you scroll at all. I'm not sure when (what version) this feature was added.

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rodrigo-silveira Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10


Does it automatically update the hash tag to the page number?

If so, you could use document.location.hash as follows:

currentPage = document.location.hash.split("="); currentPage = currentPage[1];
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Andrew White Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Andrew White