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Bonobo: How to use multiple data sources?

I am using Bonobo very first time. I was able to figure out basic example. I am interested to know how can I put two different kind of data inputs in extract step? Say I am scraping data from two different sites, how to add them in pipeline?


like image 610
Volatil3 Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 08:11


1 Answers

You can have two different extract steps (or n different ones).

For example:

import bonobo

def extract_1():
    yield "x1", "a"
    yield "x1", "b"
    yield "x1", "c"

def extract_2():
    yield "x2", "a"
    yield "x2", "b"
    yield "x2", "c"

def extract_3():
    yield "x3", "a"
    yield "x3", "b"
    yield "x3", "c"

def normalize(name, value):
    yield name.upper(), value

def get_graph(**options):
    graph = bonobo.Graph()
    graph.add_chain(normalize, print, _input=None)
    graph.add_chain(extract_1, _output=normalize)
    graph.add_chain(extract_2, _output=normalize)
    graph.add_chain(extract_3, _output=normalize)
    return graph

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with bonobo.parse_args() as options:

Note that each node has a first-in-first-out constraint, but that "normalize" will get nodes in a random order as the extractors yield data.

like image 88
Romain Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11
