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Blurring a region in an image on Android (in Java)




In my Android app, I am capturing a screenshot programmatically from a background service. I obtain it as a Bitmap.

Next, I obtain the co-ordinates of a region of interest (ROI) with the following Android framework API:

Rect ROI = new Rect();

Here, getBoundsInScreen() is the Android equivalent of the Javascript function getBoundingClientRect().

A Rect in Android has the following properties:

rect.centerX()    /* rounded off to integer */
rect.exactCenterX()    /* exact value in float */

What does top, left, right and bottom mean in Android Rect object

Whereas a Rect in OpenCV has the following properties

rect.x    /* x coordinate of the top-left corner  */
rect.y    /* y coordinate of the top-left corner  */

Now before we can perform any OpenCV-related operations, we need to transform the Android Rect to an OpenCV Rect.

Understanding how actually drawRect or drawing coordinates work in Android

There are two ways to convert an Android Rect to an OpenCV Rect (as suggested by Karl Phillip in his answer). Both generate the same values and both produce the same result:

/* Compute the top-left corner using the center point of the rectangle. */
int x = androidRect.centerX() - (androidRect.width() / 2);
int y = androidRect.centerY() - (androidRect.height() / 2);

// OR simply use the already available member variables:
x = androidRect.left;
y = androidRect.top;

int w = androidRect.width();
int h = androidRect.height();

org.opencv.core.Rect roi = new org.opencv.core.Rect(x, y, w, h);

Now one of the OpenCV operations I am performing is blurring the ROI within the screenshot:

Mat originalMat = new Mat();
Bitmap configuredBitmap32 = originalBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
Utils.bitmapToMat(configuredBitmap32, originalMat);
Mat ROIMat = originalMat.submat(roi).clone();
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(ROIMat, ROIMat, new org.opencv.core.Size(0, 0), 5, 5);

Bitmap blurredBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(originalMat.cols(), originalMat.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Utils.matToBitmap(originalMat, blurredBitmap);

This brings us very close to the desired result. Almost there, but not quite. The area just BENEATH the targeted region is blurred.

For example, if the targeted region of interest is a password field, the above code produces the following results:

On the left, Microsoft Live ROI, and on the right, Pinterest ROI:

As can be seen, the area just below the ROI gets blurred.

So my question is, finally, why isn't the exact region of interest blurred?

  • The co-ordinates obtained through the Android API getBoundsInScreen() appear to be correct.
  • Converting an Android Rect to an OpenCV Rect also appears to be correct. Or is it?
  • The code for blurring a region of interest also appears to be correct. Is there another way to do the same thing?

N.B: I've provided the actual, full-size screenshots as I am getting them. They have been scaled down by 50% to fit in this post, but other than that they are exactly as I am getting them on the Android device.

like image 263
Y.S Avatar asked Feb 21 '20 07:02


People also ask

How do you blur a picture on android?

There are two way to achieve. 1) You can use FrameLayout to which you can set blur background. 2) You can use latest Blur library which i have !

What is enable blurs in Android?

Window blurs are disabled by default. To enable the blur functionality on devices, do the following: Ensure that the device can handle the extra GPU load - the blur operation is expensive and on lower-end devices, it might cause dropped frames. Only enable this on devices with sufficient GPU power.

2 Answers

If I'm not mistaken, OpenCV's Rect assumes that x and y specify the top left corner of the rectangle:

/* Compute the top-left corner using the center point of the rectangle
 * TODO: take care of float to int conversion
int x = androidRect.centerX() - (androidRect.width() / 2);
int y = androidRect.centerY() - (androidRect.height() / 2);

// OR simply use the already available member variables:
x = androidRect.left;
y = androidRect.top;

int w = androidRect.width();
int h = androidRect.height();

org.opencv.core.Rect roi = new org.opencv.core.Rect(x, y, w, h);
like image 171
karlphillip Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10


As per ScreenShots the value you get fot rect.x is not same for opencv rect. Because android rect center x value get from pixel density of screen while opencv rect value react image pixel row and column. if u find height of image and total rows of original mat both are different,but for perfect place rect they should be same so u have to multiply distance with some constant value to get accurate distance of rect.

like image 1
ankitsinh corepix Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 11:10

ankitsinh corepix