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Blue flickering stripes on my MBP with Chrome [closed]

On my new Macbook Pro 16 late 2019, with Catalina 10.15.4 I recently found a weird problem with chrome (other browsers seems to work fine)

Some websites (maybe 1 in 100) appear broken with blue stripes flickering. Has anybody experienced a similar problem? Even here in Stack overflow the area around my profile avatar looks blueish. Specially the Chrome inspector is fully broken.

Restarting the computer always helps but the problem keeps coming back.

Is it a hardware problem? Do I need to get back to Apple?

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mitchiru Avatar asked Apr 16 '20 12:04


People also ask

Why are there blue lines on my MacBook screen?

Answer: A: The way the screen is stored internally is a set of horizontal stripes. Vertical Artifacts like that are usually problems in the display itself. Your external photo vs internal screenshot confirms no damage to the data in the display buffer, adding weight to the display itself as the problem.

Why is my MacBook Pro screen flickering lines?

It seems that the issue stems from compatibility problems between the new operating system and the graphics processing unit. On M1 Macs, this usually happens randomly, but it may be because of connecting to an external display or working with some software.

1 Answers

I have the same issue on my MBP 16, with Catalina 10.15.4, and Chrome 80.0.3987.163. Like you said, a fresh restart will fix the issue.

It all starts again after resuming from suspend, but not always. I did not yet find a pattern.

I found disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome removes the symptoms.

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Niels van Drimmelen Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10

Niels van Drimmelen