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blogengine without php or asp.net etc

Is there a way to have a blog directly integrated into my HTML/javascript-only website, without having to have something like a SQL-database and a dynamic engine like PHP or MySQL?

Maybe there is some service in the web that offers this (hopefully without ads :) ). Or maybe I can have a blog engine entirely written in javasript?

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bitbonk Avatar asked Mar 05 '09 12:03


4 Answers

Entirely written in JavaScript? Surely that defeats the entire point of having a "blog-engine" in the first place? The point being that the data is stored somewhere and dynamically retrieved. To avoid using anything server-side (which seems to be your intent), and only use HTML/JavaScript, you'd have to store all the data for the blog in files that are served up to each visitor, and then retrieve the data from the particular, local, locations using JavaScript.

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the point here... but this seems to be an utterly useless way of trying to go about things. Blogs are, in general, either written statically (in HTML [even though this is rare]), or are dynamically generated from a database by a server-side scripting language (most common).

Edit: As an additional point, I suppose you could include some third-party blog feed, or service, in your page, via use of JavaScript... but I'm unsure as to which (if any) blogging services would directly support this method of working. Additionally, this is quite an unreliable way of including third-party data in a page...

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James B Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

James B

Here's a thought. It's not really a blog engine - but a wiki.

Entirely javascript/html/css. All lives in a single html file:


not sure how it would work on a real live site, but their site is using it:

* A personal notebook
* A GTD ("Getting Things Done") productivity tool
* A collaboration tool
* For building websites (this site is a TiddlyWiki file!)
* For rapid prototyping
* ...and much more!
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danseagrave Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09


You could use github pages. You will get a generated blog with version control.

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bjartek Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09


Other option is to use a Desktop blog tool and then update your site.

You can user iWeb if you have a Mac or CityDesk on Windows or you may try this open source tool

Edit Today I came across this tool: Zeta producer that may help.

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Eduardo Molteni Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Eduardo Molteni