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Block device information without mounting in Linux

I am trying to get some information (specifically block size) of block device in linux, in C++. Is it possible to get block size of a device without mounting it and possibly without looking into dynamic files (like the ones in /sys), but with a system call only.

I was trying with stat, but it returns data about /dev filesystem if I ask about /dev/sdb2.

If it's impossible with system call, where should i look in dynamic files (haven't been able to locate it either.)

like image 500
j_kubik Avatar asked Dec 07 '11 13:12


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What is block device file in Linux?

Block devices are nonvolatile mass storage devices whose information can be accessed in any order. Hard disks, floppy disks, and CD-ROMs are examples of block devices. OpenBoot typically uses block devices for booting.

How do I access a blocked device in Linux?

The block devices on a system can be discovered with the lsblk (list block devices) command. Try it in the VM below. Type lsblk at the command prompt and then press Enter.

Is not a block device mount?

mount attaches block storage devices that contain a filesystem to a directory, which is not what you're trying to do, hence the error message. What you want is to create a link from the new directory name to the old existing name. For that you must use the ln command to create a symbolic link.

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Examples of block devices are hard disk, flash drives, CD-ROM.

1 Answers

You want to use ioctl, in particular BLKSSZGET.

Quoting linux/fs.h:

#define BLKSSZGET  _IO(0x12,104)/* get block device sector size */

Untested example:

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>

int fd = open("/dev/sda");
size_t blockSize;
int rc = ioctl(fd, BLKSSZGET, &blockSize);
like image 83
2 revs, 2 users 89% Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10

2 revs, 2 users 89%