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Blender 2.8 video editing video becomes dark

All configurations are default, I have not changed anything, in the old version is correct, under is my screenshot:

This is a screenshot of Blender 2.8:

blender 2.8 video editing

And this is a screenshot of Blender 2.79:

blender 2.79 video editing

When I open the new project (created by Blender 2.8) in Blender 2.79, the video is dimmed too.

like image 507
鸿则_ Avatar asked Sep 20 '19 04:09


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1 Answers

In Blender 2.80+ go to Context: Render Menu (Menu where cycles or Eevee can be selected), expand Color Management and set View Transform to Standard instead of Filmic. In my case it was set to Filmic by default and the rendered video looked dark gray instead of bright white.

Settings shown in Blender-2.92

enter image description here

like image 169
B200011011 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
