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Blazor - Razor class library - reuse full blazor page

I am having a problem here,

I created a Blazor app (server side) with core 3.1, then I created a Razor class library (old razorlib) with this classlib I can create blazor comp and reuse in my blazor app < myComp >, share Css even create full Razor views like Area/MyAdmin/Pages/Page1.cshtml and use it from my Blazor app calling https://MyApp/MyAdmin/Page1, sorry for the big introduction, my problem is, how to reuse FULL Blazor componemt like a page? add in my Razor class lib a folder Pages and in there add Contact.razor and it will not be used as < Contact > from my Blazor app but I will be able to call just like https://MyApp/Contact?

can someone give me an example? Thanks!

like image 440
Douglas Simão Avatar asked Dec 17 '19 09:12

Douglas Simão

People also ask

How do you use the Razor class library in Blazor?

Razor Class Library project is added to the existing Blazor WebAssembly Application. Right-click the Blazor App project, and then select Add/Project reference. Now, click the checkbox and configure the Razor Class Library and Blazor WebAssembly Application.

Can I use Blazor with Razor pages?

This post shows you can add Blazor based pages into an existing Razor Pages application, where parts of the app are created using Razor Pages and parts of the app are created using Blazor Pages. Same layout is used for both types of pages.

What is the difference between Blazor and Razor?

Blazor is a framework that leverages the Razor components to produce dynamic HTML. The biggest difference between Razor and Blazor is that Razor is a markup language with C#, while Blazor is the framework that lets you run C# code and use the Razor view engine in the browser.

1 Answers

There are a few steps to make to show a page from a Razor class library in a Blazor project:

  1. Create a class library (there exists a template)

  2. Add a page to the class library

  3. Add the project reference to your blazor project (Rightclick on dependencies ...)

  4. In the Blazor project add the assembly of the Razor component library to the Router component (in this example the name of the Razor component library is GeneralUi). You can do that by setting the AdditionalAssemblies parameter:

       <Router AppAssembly="@typeof(Program).Assembly"
             AdditionalAssemblies="new[] { typeof(GeneralUi.About).Assembly}">
         <Found Context="routeData">
             <RouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="@typeof(MainLayout)" />
             <LayoutView Layout="@typeof(MainLayout)">
                 <p>Sorry, there's nothing at this address.</p>

Here it is important that you just take a page from the Razor component library (doesn't matter which one you take). With that step you are able to route to pages from the Razor component library.

If you just want to use components (no pages) you can drop step 4. Then you just need to include the component in another component. If you don't want to provide the full namespace there just add the namespace in the _Imports.razor file of your Blazor project.

If you have styles defined in you Razor class library you need to add these styles (files) to the Blazor project. In Blazor WebAssembly you can do this in the index.html file just by adding:

<link href="_content/GeneralUi/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />

The _content is a naming convention and it is needed to tell that the style file is from another assembly/project. In this example, the style file styles.css comes from the GeneralUi project, and there it is placed in the css folder under the wwwroot folder (in the wwwroot folder are all static assets of a project)

like image 182
troYman Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
