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blank screen after re-starting launcher activity (failed binder transaction)



I have this really weird problem where my app sometimes shows a black screen when i try to re-launch it. This happens occasionally and i really can't find a solution after digging into my code for weeks!

This is how it happens: I open my app, do some stuff and then i return to the home screen. After several hours, i relaunch my app and it opens just a blank screen (no ANR or whatsoever thrown!). I've also put some log messages into the onCreate() and onResume() method, but they never show up. The logcat shows me a lot of "FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION" errors when this happens. Other than various other threads, i am not passing any images or large objects through any Intent. A "TransactionTooLargeException" is NOT being thrown either.

So this is how my data/anr/traces.txt looks like (unfortunately, my app itself it not being "traced"):


And this is my dumpsys.txt:


My testdevice where this happens: Samsung Galaxy S1 (android 2.3.6)

The blank screen doesn't seem to occur on my ICS phone (LG Optimus G)

Any ideas?

like image 556
user2670534 Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 14:08


1 Answers

Do you use AdMob SDK in your application? I solved this issue by downgrading version 6.4.1 back to 6.2.1...

like image 181
jaernouts Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 23:11
