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Blade inline if and else if statement

Is there a syntax to specify inline if and else if statement in Laravel blade template?

Normally, the syntaxt for if and else statement would be :

{{ $var === "hello" ? "Hi" : "Goodbye" }} 

I would now like to include else if statement, is this possible?

 {{ $var === "hello" ? "Hi" : "Goodbye" else if $var ==="howdie ? "how" : "Goodbye""}} 
like image 289
mario Avatar asked Mar 26 '17 04:03


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2 Answers

You can use this code in laravel blade:

{{  $var === "hello" ? "Hi" : ($var ==="howdie ? "how" : "Goodbye") }} 
like image 116
MoPo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


remember not every short code is a good one. in your example there's no single way to hit this else if because you're saying

if($var === "hello")     {          // if the condetion is true         "Hi";     } else     {          // if the condetion is false         "Goodbye";     } // error here else if($var ==="howdie")     { "how"; } else     { "Goodbye"; } 

this's wrong you can't use two elses respectively. you've structure your conditions like

if (condition) {     # code... } elseif (condition) {     # code... } else {  } 

the same in the ternary operators

(condition) ? /* value to return if first condition is true */  : ((condition) ? /* value to return if second condition is true */  : /* value to return if condition is false */ ); 

and beware of (,) in the second condition.

and as you see your code is just going to be tricky, unreadable and hard to trace. so use the if else if if you've more than one condition switching and revise your logic.

like image 39
M.Elwan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
