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Blacklist IP database


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Can you blacklist an IP address?

IP blacklisting is a method used to filter out illegitimate or malicious IP addresses from accessing your networks. Blacklists are lists containing ranges of or individual IP addresses that you want to block.

What is a blacklist database?

A blacklist, in IT, is a collection of entities that are blocked from communicating with or logging into a computer, site or network. Blocked entities are typically identified as IP addresses, user IDs, domains, email addresses, MAC addresses or programs.

How do you check IP is blacklisted or not?

Open the IP Blacklist & Email Blacklist Check Tool. Enter the URL, IP address, or the email server IP address whose status you want to check. Click on the "Check in Blacklists" button. The tool will take 20 to 40 seconds to perform the IP blacklist lookup and provide you the results.

What happens if your IP is blacklisted?

If your IP address is blacklisted, any emails you send will bounce back until you're removed from the blacklist. That means you won't be able to contact anyone by email until you're able to resolve the issue. If you're just an individual, being blacklisted could be very inconvenient.

Is there an open database of blacklisted IP for the Web? With a lot of public web proxy you know... such the blacklist used by the Global blocking of Wikipedia.