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black space in IOS app in 4inch Screen


I am creating an App for IOS7 for both retina 4inch and 3.5 inch, when my target version is IOS7 every thing wrks fine. But when i set the version below 6.1 then there is a white space at the top and bottom bar. when i run it in IOS6.1 Simulator 4inch i get something like this. I have the [email protected] for IOS6.1 and prior also in place. I am using Xcode 5DP

enter image description here

Screen shot when app has target version 7 enter image description here

Any help will be appreciated

like image 535
Rohit Avatar asked Sep 17 '13 08:09


2 Answers

To solve this issue you have to specifically add background images for iOS 6, Follow following steps to add this using new xCode.

1) Add new image set from asset catalog and name it "Default" image set

2) Right click on that asset catalog image.

3) Choose iPhone, Retina 4 - inch from options like following

enter image description here

4) Add images in sequence with resolutions

  1. 320 * 480

  2. 640 * 960

  3. 640 * 1136

5) Clean your project

6) Run your project

like image 146
imDeveloper Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


1.First add the add the iPhone Retina(4-inch) and Retina(3.5-inch) images as a launch images..

Add a splash image named [email protected]. This will identify your app that one supports iPhone 5 metrics

like image 40
ggg_1120 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
