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bind(this) not working on ajax success function

I use react and jQuery. here's a part of my code.

Before react component mounts, I perform ajax request to know if user is logged in.

It is supposed to set state when a response returns status code 200.
am I incorrectly using bind(this)?

componentWillMount: function(){
     url: "/is_signed_in",
     method: "GET",
     dataType: "json"
    this.setState({ signedIn: response.signed_in, currentUser: $.parseJSON(response.current_user) });
componentDidMount: function(){

Edit 01

when I do console.log(this); in success(function(response){...}) callback.

this was the below.

R…s.c…s.Constructor {props: Object, context: Object, state: Object, refs: Object, _reactInternalInstance: ReactCompositeComponentWrapper}_reactInternalInstance: ReactCompositeComponentWrapper_context: Object_currentElement: ReactElement_instance: ReactClass.createClass.Constructor_isOwnerNecessary: false_isTopLevel: false_mountImage: null_mountIndex: 0_mountOrder: 2_pendingCallbacks: null_pendingElement: null_pendingForceUpdate: false_pendingReplaceState: false_pendingStateQueue: null_renderedComponent: ReactCompositeComponentWrapper_rootNodeID: ".0"_warnedAboutRefsInRender: false__proto__: ReactCompositeComponentWrappercontext: Object__proto__: Object__defineGetter__: __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: __lookupSetter__()constructor: Object()hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: toLocaleString()toString: toString()valueOf: valueOf()get __proto__: get __proto__()set __proto__: set __proto__()getDOMNode: ()__reactBoundArguments: null__reactBoundContext: ReactClass.createClass.Constructor__reactBoundMethod: ()arguments: (...)bind: (newThis )caller: (...)length: 0name: ""__proto__: ()[[TargetFunction]]: ()[[BoundThis]]: ReactClass.createClass.Constructor[[BoundArgs]]: Array[0]props: Objectrefs: Object__proto__: ObjectrenderButtonSet: ()setSignedIn: ()__reactBoundArguments: null__reactBoundContext: ReactClass.createClass.Constructor__reactBoundMethod: setSignedIn(response)arguments: (...)caller: (...)length: 1name: "setSignedIn"prototype: setSignedIn__proto__: ()<function scope>arguments: (...)bind: (newThis )arguments: (...)caller: (...)length: 1name: ""prototype: boundMethod.bind__proto__: ()<function scope>caller: (...)length: 1name: ""__proto__: ()[[TargetFunction]]: setSignedIn(response)[[BoundThis]]: ReactClass.createClass.Constructor[[BoundArgs]]: Array[0]state: ObjectcurrentUser: Objectcreated_at: "2015-07-24T18:30:38.772+09:00"email: "[email protected]"facebook_account_url: nullfirstName: "유찬"github_account_url: nullgoogleplus_account_url: nullid: 1lastName: "서"linkedin_account_url: nullsns_avatar: nulltwitter_account_url: nullupdated_at: "2015-08-14T02:14:21.091+09:00"__proto__: ObjectsignedIn: true__proto__: Object__proto__: ReactClassComponent

My code above was antipattern.
Follow one of the methods suggested by Answer i adopted. Plus, React documentation already provided very useful solution about my case: Load Initial Data via AJAX

Also, setState is asynchronous.
That's why I thought setState not working when I log it on console.
After all, i checked inside render and pass as props to child components.

like image 325
seoyoochan Avatar asked Aug 13 '15 17:08


People also ask

Is AJAX successful deprecated?

Yes, it is deprecated in jQuery 1.8 onwards. You should use . done() and use . fail() to catch the errors.

What triggers AJAX success?

AJAX success is a global event. Global events are triggered on the document to call any handlers who may be listening. The ajaxSuccess event is only called if the request is successful. It is essentially a type function that's called when a request proceeds.

What is success function data in AJAX?

success : A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.it takes as an argument the returned data. It is also passed the text status of the response. dataType : The type of data expected from the server. The default is Intelligent Guess (xml, json, script, text, html).

What is success and error in AJAX?

jquery ajax calls are asynchronous by default. So success & error functions will be called when the ajax load is complete. But your return statement will be executed just after the ajax call is started.

1 Answers

I think you shouldn't use an Ajax call for setState in componentWillMount; do it in componentDidMount.

If you don't want to do the first render before you're having data AND those data are just for initialization perform your call outside and on success render your view with the fetched data =====>

<Myview data={initialDataFromTheCallSuccess} /> and then put it in getInitialState

Read this if you choose this path (cause as stated in the doc this is not an anti-pattern on certain conditions): https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/props-in-getInitialState-as-anti-pattern.html

hope it helps

Edit: There is two way to do it the first one you fetch outside your react class

  $.ajax({...}).success(function(res) {
      <MyView data={res} /> // render your function on success

and in MyView you getInitialState from props "data". Use this method only if you need to call your get once (read the anti-pattern stuff).

Other method is doing what you are doing but in componentDidMount. https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/initial-ajax.html

Hope it's clearer

like image 157
François Richard Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

François Richard