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BindingFlags for Type.GetMethods excluding property accessors

Suppose I've got the following program:

namespace ReflectionTest
    public class Example
        private string field;

        public void MethodOne() { }

        public void MethodTwo() { }

        public string Property
            get { return field; }
            set { this.field = value; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)


        public static void iterate(Type type)
            MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(
                BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
                BindingFlags.Instance |

            foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods)

When I run the program I'm getting the following output:


I want to skip the property accesor methods. I've tried with different BindingFlags, for instance, ~BindingFlags.SetProperty, but with no luck. At the moment the only way I've found to skip those methods is rewriting the iterate function to:

public static void iterate(Type type)
    MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(
        BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
        BindingFlags.Instance |

    foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods)
        if (mi.IsSpecialName) continue;

Do you know what BindingFlags should I use?


Well, I should have explained that the project is actually for building automatically templates for unit testing, so I can skip all the special methods. Thanks for the additional information on IsSpecialName :)

LINQ? Really? Wow. Anyway, this project is .NET 2.0 so LINQ is (sadly) not an option.

like image 921
Leandro López Avatar asked Oct 24 '08 16:10

Leandro López

1 Answers

From the top of my head:

mi.IsSpecialName &&( mi.Name.StartsWith("set_") || mi.Name.StartsWith("get_"))

should get you all set. SpecialName is more than property accessors (event add/remove methods count here as well), that's why you have to check the names as well.

You can use LINQ for that as well :)

like image 148
Krzysztof Kozmic Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Krzysztof Kozmic