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Binding sub-properties with Google Polymer

Is it possible to bind sub-properties automatically with Google Polymer? Something like AngularJS.

Here is a small example:

This is the element that contains the property prop1 and updates it after 2sec:

<dom-module is="test-elem">

        TestElem = Polymer({
            is: "test-elem",

            properties: {
                prop1: { type: String, value: "original value", notify: true }

            factoryImpl: function() {
                var that = this;

                    that.prop1 = "new value";
                }, 2000);


And this is the main page, which creates an element and show prop1 in the dom:

<template is="dom-bind" id="main-page">



    var scope = document.getElementById('main-page');

    var t = new TestElem();

    scope.test = t;


Unfortunately, the page doesn't update with the new value. Is there a way to bind this automatically?

Here is a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/xkqt00a7/

like image 963
Mathew Avatar asked Sep 28 '22 03:09


2 Answers

The easiest way I found was to add an event handler:

t.addEventListener('prop1-changed', function(e){
        scope.notifyPath('test.prop1', e.currentTarget.prop1)


But it's not automatic like AngularJS.

like image 170
Mathew Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10


I can't explain why, but switching your example from setTimeout to this.async makes it work.

like image 28
jojomojo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10
