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Binding JBoss AS 7 to all interfaces

I'm running JBoss AS7 in a standalone mode using ./standalone.sh. This binds JBOSS to only localhost. Is there a way to bind it to all the hosts, I mean

The older versions had the -b option to pass, I can't find any options to use over here.

like image 314
Chander Shivdasani Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 02:07

Chander Shivdasani

People also ask

What is socket binding in JBoss?

A socket binding includes the following information: name -- logical name of the socket configuration that should be used elsewhere in the configuration. port -- base port to which a socket based on this configuration should be bound.

What is JBoss bind address management?

It tells JBoss which local address to bind to. The server will only listen on that specific interface, not on all local interfaces. (e.g. if you have bind address set to 127.0. 0.1 , it will not listen to connection from other hosts, only on localhost.)

1 Answers

Edit standalone/configuration/standalone.xml and insert the tag any-address instead of inet-address bound to - Example:

<interfaces>     <interface name="management">         <inet-address value=""/>     </interface>     <interface name="public">         <any-address/>     </interface> </interfaces> 

In the public interface, I've changed the original inet-address with any-address. After restarting, you'll be able to browse JBoss port 8080 over the network.

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stivlo Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
