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Binding a list in @RequestParam

People also ask

What does the @RequestParam annotation do?

@RequestParam annotation enables spring to extract input data that may be passed as a query, form data, or any arbitrary custom data.

What is the difference between @PathVariable and @RequestParam annotation?

Difference between @PathVariable and @RequestParam in Spring 1) The @RequestParam is used to extract query parameters while @PathVariable is used to extract data right from the URI.

What is the difference between @RequestParam and query param?

What is main difference between @RequestParam and @QueryParam in Spring MVC controller? They're functionally the same: they let you bind the value of a named HTTP param to the annotated variable. That being said, the question is very broad, so you'll have to specify more detail if you want a more useful answer.

Or you could just do it that way:

public String controllerMethod(@RequestParam(value="myParam[]") String[] myParams){

That works for example for forms like this:

<input type="checkbox" name="myParam[]" value="myVal1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="myParam[]" value="myVal2" />

This is the simplest solution :)

Arrays in @RequestParam are used for binding several parameters of the same name:


If you need to bind @ModelAttribute-style indexed parameters, I guess you need @ModelAttribute anyway.

Subscribing what basil said in a comment to the question itself, if method = RequestMethod.GET you can use @RequestParam List<String> groupVal.

Then calling the service with the list of params is as simple as:


Just complementing what Donal Fellows said, you can use List with @RequestParam

public String controllerMethod(@RequestParam(value="myParam") List<ObjectToParse> myParam){

Hope it helps!

One way you could accomplish this (in a hackish way) is to create a wrapper class for the List. Like this:

class ListWrapper {
     List<String> myList; 
     // getters and setters

Then your controller method signature would look like this:

public String controllerMethod(ListWrapper wrapper) {

No need to use the @RequestParam or @ModelAttribute annotation if the collection name you pass in the request matches the collection field name of the wrapper class, in my example your request parameters should look like this:

myList[0]     : 'myValue1'
myList[1]     : 'myValue2'
myList[2]     : 'myValue3'
otherParam    : 'otherValue'
anotherParam  : 'anotherValue'

It wasn't obvious to me that although you can accept a Collection as a request param, but on the consumer side you still have to pass in the collection items as comma separated values.

For example if the server side api looks like this:

public void handleSubscriptions(@RequestParam("topics") Collection<String> topicStrings) {

    topicStrings.forEach(topic -> System.out.println(topic));

Directly passing in a collection to the RestTemplate as a RequestParam like below will result in data corruption

public void subscribeToTopics() {

    List<String> topics = Arrays.asList("first-topic", "second-topic", "third-topic");

    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

Instead you can use

public void subscribeToTopics() {

    List<String> topicStrings = Arrays.asList("first-topic", "second-topic", "third-topic");
    String topics = String.join(",",topicStrings);

    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

The complete example can be found here, hope it saves someone the headache :)