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Bind rows NSRuleEditor with array

In developer documentation i found this:

NSRuleEditor exposes one binding, rows. You can bind rows to an ordered collection (such as an instance of NSMutableArray). Each object in the collection should have the following properties:

  • @"rowType" An integer representing the type of the row(NSRuleEditorRowType).

  • @"subrows" An ordered to-many relation (such as an instance of NSMutableArray) containing the directly nested subrows for the given row.

  • @"displayValues" An ordered to-many relation containing the display values for the row.

  • @"criteria" An ordered to-many relation containing the criteria for the row.

Anybody may give an example how to do this?

like image 750
Nikolai Nagornyi Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 15:01

Nikolai Nagornyi

1 Answers

=========== EDIT =============

As I researched, the NSRuleEditor class header contains the next documentation about binding:

* -- Bindings support -- */

/* Sets the class used when creating a new row in the "rows" binding; this class should be KVC and KVO compliant for the key paths listed below.  By default this is NSMutableDictionary */
- (void)setRowClass:(Class)rowClass;
- (Class)rowClass;

/* Set and get the key path for the row type, which is used to get the row type in the "rows" binding.  The row type is a value property of type NSRuleEditorRowType.  The default is @"rowType". */
- (void)setRowTypeKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)rowTypeKeyPath;

/* Set and get the key path for the subrows, which is used to determined nested rows in the "rows" binding.  The subrows property is an ordered to-many relationship containing additional bound row objects. The default is @"subrows". */
- (void)setSubrowsKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)subrowsKeyPath;

/* Set and get the criteria key path, which determines the criteria for a row in the "rows" binding.  (The criteria objects are what the delegate returns from - ruleEditor: child: forCriterion: withRowType:).  The criteria property is an ordered to-many relationship. The default is @"criteria". */
- (void)setCriteriaKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)criteriaKeyPath;

/* Set and get the display values key path, which determines the display values for a row (the display values are what the delegate returns from - ruleEditor: displayValueForCriterion: inRow:).  The criteria property is an ordered to-many relationship. The default is @"displayValues". */
- (void)setDisplayValuesKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)displayValuesKeyPath;

And to expand the answer, I am giving the next example so you'll understand how to bind your own class as rows:

@interface BindObject : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger rowType;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *subrows;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *displayValues;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *criteria;


// binding custom class as row class
[self.ruleEditor setRowClass:[BindObject class]];

Now as you add new rows to NSRuleEditor your class will be used. You also can change KeyPath so fields (ivars/properties) in your custom row class may be called differently than it's speicifed in documentation.

Hope this will help you to understand how NSRuleEditor works.


I've found this article, it should help you understand how NSRuleEditor works.

like image 108
art-divin Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
