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Bind RabbitMQ consumer using Spring Cloud Stream to an existing queue

I've created using the RabbitMQ web-UI a topic exchange TX and bind to the exchange two queues TX.Q1 and TX.Q2, each binded with routing-keys rk1 and rk2 accordingly, and produced few messages to the exchange.

Now I want to create a consumer using Spring Cloud Stream that will take messages from Q1 only. I tried using configuration:


and the annotation @StreamListner(Sink.INPUT) for the method that consumes messages.

As result I can see that the consumer has created a queue (or binding) with the same name TX.Q1 but the Routing-Key of the new queue/bind is #.
How can I configure via Spring Cloud Stream a consumer that will consume messages from the predifined queue (only that routed with rk1).

like image 523
yuval simhon Avatar asked Dec 13 '16 13:12

yuval simhon

2 Answers

So for now, the work-around that Garry Russell suggested has solved the issue for me.

I've used @RabbitListener instead of @StreamListenet this way:
@RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding(value = @Queue(value = "TX.Q1", durable = "true"), exchange = @Exchange(value = "TX", type = "topic", durable = "true"), key = "rk1").

As a result, the predefined queue TX.Q1 is bind with binding key : rk1 to the exchange TX.

Waiting for updates on the Spring Cloud Steream issue.

like image 137
yuval simhon Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 10:11

yuval simhon

I think I found the solution using the @StreamListener, not using the workaround. Everything is made in the configuration, not in the code.

The configuration I used is the following (it's in .yml, but you can easly translate it in .properties):

          binder: <binder_name>
          destination: TX
          group: Q1
          type: rabbit
                host: <host>
                port: <port>
                virtual-host: <vhost>
                username: <username>
                password: <password>
              binding-routing-key: rk1
              exchange-name: TX
              queue-name-group-only: true
              bind-queue: true
              exchange-durable: true
              exchange-type: topic

Using this approach, you don't have to write a particular code to let the RabbitMQ consumer connect to your cluster, this should solve your case.

Hope this helps.

like image 3
iakko Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 08:11
