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Bind a directory to a docker container

I'm building a test project that requires a module outside of the project directory. The project folder is in docker, and I would like to bind that module directory to the docker container of my project. Is it even possible to do it? Or am I asking the wrong question? By the way, I'm still new to docker so I'm just trying things out.

like image 435
avian Avatar asked May 12 '15 07:05


People also ask

How do I bind a folder into a container?

You can use the -v option to mount a volume (e.g. your folder) into the container. More details can be found in the docs. Which maps /data/ghost on the local drive to /var/lib/ghost inside the container. You can also specify another docker container as the source of the data using --volumes-from option.

1 Answers

My understand is, you need mount the host folder to the container. So try this:

docker run -v /host/project_folder:/container/project -t avian/project_image bash


  • -v - --volume=[] Bind mount a volume
  • /host/project_folder - host server's folder
  • /container/project - container's folder


The latest docker version (v1.9.1) support a new command volume. So you should be easier to manage volume in docker.

# For example, I need attach a volume to mysql container.
docker volume create --name mysql-data
docker run --name mysql -v mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql

With that, you can delete container mysql any time, without lost your database data.

like image 126
BMW Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10