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Bigquery + PHP examples

Can somebody provide working example of using the Bigquery API with PHP. I see there are examples for python and java but could not find anything for PHP.

Here is the bigquery browser https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/?pli=1

For e.g You can run this SQL in the browser

SELECT corpus,count(*) FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare 
group by corpus limit 5;

I want to simulate similar call via PHP.

Even a rough example of how to use the PHP API will help a lot.

like image 334
Nilesh Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 19:09


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1 Answers

Use the Google API Client for PHP. Here's a simple example of a script that does a single synchronous query job. This uses the class names found in the downloadable API client. Note: the source pulled from SVN features different class names. Note where you must add your own values for client secret, client id, redirect URI, and project id.


require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/apiClient.php';
require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/contrib/apiBigqueryService.php';


$client = new apiClient();
// Visit https://developers.google.com/console to generate your
// oauth2_client_id, oauth2_client_secret, and to register your oauth2_redirect_uri.


// Your project id

// Instantiate a new BigQuery Client 
$bigqueryService = new apiBigqueryService($client);

if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {

if (isset($_SESSION['access_token'])) {
} else {
  $_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken();

if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
  $redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
<!doctype html>
  <title>BigQuery API Sample</title>
<div id='container'>
  <div id='top'><h1>BigQuery API Sample</h1></div>
  <div id='main'>
  $query = new QueryRequest();
  $query->setQuery('SELECT TOP( title, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as revision_count FROM [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] WHERE wp_namespace = 0;');

  $jobs = $bigqueryService->jobs;
  $response = $jobs->query($project_id, $query);

  // Do something with the BigQuery API $response data

like image 73
Michael Manoochehri Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09

Michael Manoochehri