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BigInteger.Parse() trouble reading in large numbers

Presently I am attempting to do this challenge (http://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/1) and I am having some trouble completing the task in C#. I can not seem to parse the number into a big integer.

So code looks like below:

        string output = "";
        BigInteger hexValue = BigInteger.Parse("49276d206b696c6c696e6720796f757220627261696e206c696b65206120706f69736f6e6f7573206d757368726f6f6");

        output = Convert.ToBase64String(hexValue.ToByteArray());
        return "";

And at present the problem I am getting is when I run the program it fails with the error

System.FormatException: 'The value could not be parsed.' and I am not entirely sure why.

So, what is the appropriate way to get a large integer from a string into a BigInt?

like image 512
John Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 11:12


1 Answers

The initial problem

The BigInteger.Parse method expects the value to be decimal, not hex. You can "fix" that by passing in NumberStyles.HexNumber.

The bigger problem with using BigInteger for this

If you're just trying to convert a string of hex digits into bytes, I would avoid using BigInteger at all. For one thing, you could end up with problems if the original byte array started with zeroes, for example. The zeroes wouldn't be in the resulting byte array. (Sample input: "0001" - you want to get two bytes out, but you'll only get one, after persuading it to parse hex.)

Even if you don't lose any information, the byte[] you receive from BigInteger.ToByteArray() isn't what you were probably expecting. For example, consider this code, which just converts the data to byte[] and back to hex via BitConverter:

BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.Parse("1234567890ABCDEF", NumberStyles.HexNumber);
byte[] bytes = bigInt.ToByteArray();

The output of that is "EF-CD-AB-90-78-56-34-12" - because BigInteger.ToByteArray returns the data in little-endian order:

The individual bytes in the array returned by this method appear in little-endian order. That is, the lower-order bytes of the value precede the higher-order bytes.

That's not what you want - because it means the last part of the original string is the first part of the byte array, etc.

Avoiding BigInteger altogether

Instead, parse the data directly to a byte array, as in this question, or this one, or various others. I won't reproduce the code here, but it's simple enough, with different options depending on whether you're trying to create simple source code or an efficient program.

General advice on conversions

In general it's a good idea to avoid intermediate representations of data unless you're absolutely convinced that you won't lose information in the process - as you would here. It's fine to convert the hex string to a byte array before converting the result to base64, because that's not a lossy transformation.

So your conversions are:

  • String (hex) to BigInteger: lossy (in the context of leading 0s being significant, as they are in this situation)
  • BigInteger to byte[]: not lossy
  • byte[] to String (base64): not lossy

I'm recommending:

  • String (hex) to byte[]: not lossy (assuming you have an even number of nybbles to convert, which is generally a reasonable assumption)
  • byte[] to String (base64): not lossy
like image 166
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 06:12

Jon Skeet