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Big O Question - Algorithmic Analysis III

I have the following question:

Solve the recurrence relation simplifying the answer using Big 'O' notation:

f(0) = 2
f(n) = 6f(n-1)-5, n>0

I know this is a first order inhomogenous recurrence relation and have had a go at the question but I cannot seem to get the right output for the base case (f(0) = 2).

The question MUST use the sum of geometric series forumla within the proof.

Here is my answer - Note sum(x = y, z) is a replacement for capital sigma notation, where x is the lower bound of the summation initialised to y and z is the upper bound of the summation:

1.  *change forumla:*
2.     f(n) = 6^n.g(n)
3.  => 6^n.g(n) = 6.6^(n-1) .g(n-1) -5   
4.  => g(n) = g(n-1)-5/6^n
5.  => g(n) = sum(i=1, n)-5/6^i
6.  => f(n) = 6^n.sum(i=1, n)-5/6^i
7.  => *Evaluate the sum using geometric series forumla*
8.  => sum(i = 1, n)-5/6^i = [sum(i = 1, n)a^i] -------> (a = -5/6)
9.  => *sub a = -5/6 into geometric forumla [a(1-a^n)/(1-a)]*
10. => [(-5/6(1 - (-5/6)^n))/(1-(-5/6))]
11. => g(n) = [(-5/6(1 + (5/6)^n))/(1+5/6)]
12. => f(n) = 6^n . g(n) = 6^n[(-5/6(1 + (5/6)^n))/(1+5/6)]
13. => *sub in n = 0 to see if f(0) = 2*

Firstly, I am sure the equation on line 11 can be simplified further and secondly subbing in n = 0 should yield 2 as the result. I cannot obtain this answer when reaching line 13...

EDIT: What I need to know is why I am not getting f(0) = 2 when subbing n = 0 into the equation in line 12. Also what I would like to know is how can I simplify the equation for f(n) in line 12?


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user559142 Avatar asked Apr 12 '11 11:04


People also ask

What is big O in algorithm?

Big O Notation is a way to measure an algorithm's efficiency. It measures the time it takes to run your function as the input grows. Or in other words, how well does the function scale. There are two parts to measuring efficiency — time complexity and space complexity.

Is big O difficult?

Big O can get very complex, and it can be hard to conceptualize. The few things I was able to learn so far are really just the tip of the iceberg. However, once you understand why and how it works, it's easier to understand some of the more complex ideas.

Is big O for the worst time?

Worst case — represented as Big O Notation or O(n)Big-O, commonly written as O, is an Asymptotic Notation for the worst case, or ceiling of growth for a given function. It provides us with an asymptotic upper bound for the growth rate of the runtime of an algorithm.

1 Answers

Without thinking too hard about this, I'm going to say that f(n + 1) is 6 times larger than f(n), minus a constant. f(n) is therefore certainly O(6^n). Although you may find a tighter bound, that's about as far as I'd go in practice!

For the fun of it, I'll try this:

f(1) = 6f(0) - 5
     = 6^1.f(0)
f(2) = 6f(1) - 5
     = 6(6f(0) - 5) - 5
     = 6^2.f(0) - 6^1.5 - 5
f(3) = 6f(2) - 5
     = 6^3.f(0) - 6^2.5 - 6^1.5 - 5

I'll hazard a guess that

f(n) = 6^n.f(0) - 5.(6^0 + 6^1 + ... + 6^(n-1))

and I'm pretty sure that I could prove this by induction in a few lines (exercise left as an exercise for the student).


sum (k in 0..n-1) 6^k  =  (1 - 6^n) / (1 - 6)


f(n) = 6^n.f(0) - 5.(1 - 6^n) / (1 - 6)
     = 6^n.f(0) + (1 - 6^n)
     = 6^n.(2 - 1) + 1
     = 6^n + 1

confirming my earlier intuition.

Let's just do a few quick check calculations:

f(0) = 2 = 6^0 + 1
f(1) = 6.2 - 5 = 7 = 6^1 + 1
f(2) = 6.7 - 5 = 37 = 6^2 + 1
f(3) = 6.37 - 5 = 237 = 6^3 + 1

That's enough for me for homework :-)

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Rafe Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
